Tim Hodgkinson: lap steel guitar, electronics, clarinet
Roger Turner: drums & percussion
Thomas Lehn: analogue synthesizer
Note venue change: this show will now be held at the Cowley Club, rather than the Open House.
Konk Pack have quite a line-up: Tim Hodgkinson was the co-founder of legendary avant-rockers Henry Cow in 1968; Roger Turner is one of the most inventive improv drummers going, as his many visits to Safehouse have shown; and Thomas Lehn is a master of the analogue synth, his favourite being the EMS synthi A.
Here’s what people are saying…
“Konk Pack are utterly awesome. The show is awkwardly brilliant and defiant. With startling combinations of punkish nuisance, ingenious change-ups, and rolling, stumbling, tripping and flipping sound inventions, Konk Pack are one of the most exciting Improv groups in the world.”
The Wire
“Konk Pack boasts a line-up that springs from diverse quarters, combining to make a gloriously intuitive barrage of sounds, both soft and savage. “
All About Jazz
“Konk Pack played an unbroken 45 minute set: fun debris, rollicking freakouts … and one magical section of scrape and pling where the music seemed to play itself.”
The Wire
Mandarin Splashback
Dan Spicer: voice
Tom Roberts: objects, electronics
Sound poetry and contact mic’d antics from this lesser spotted duo.
Branch Medley
Iain Paxon: bicycle
The Wildcard Quartet